New Account Registration
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Other Details
Separate account for each parent?
Only tick if both parents need to create separate accounts for the same child/ren. If ticked, then please take care to ensure bookings are placed on the correct account.
Provide a label to help service distinguish this account from others (e.g. Mother, Father, Grandparent, Foster Parent, etc)
I would like to opt-out of all email marketing from Settlers Farm Campus OSHC
I would like to opt-out of all SMS marketing from Settlers Farm Campus OSHC
I would like to receive a confirmation email when your bookings are changed
I would like to be notified by SMS of any payment issues (charges may apply)
I would like to be notified when a new Statement of Entitlement is available
Settlers Farm Campus OSHC Terms & Conditions
I accept full responsibility for my child’s belongings whilst taking part in the program.
I authorise the child’s first name and work to be on display at the Service, in newsletters, in official Settlers Farm OSHC documents and on the Settlers Farm Campus OSHC website.
I understand both G and PG movies are shown during the OSHC program.
I consent to Settlers Farm OSHC using my email address to communicate information to me about my child/ren and or family. Examples include reporting first aid, consent forms, account information and general Settlers Farm documents.
I agree all Settlers Farm OSHC Services must be paid via Direct Debit from a Bank Account or Credit Card. If the direct debit declines twice then the account can be automatically suspended and bookings removed.
I agree that any outstanding balances on my account will be deducted with the following transaction.
I agree to pay for all of the days my child is successfully enrolled in (and not cancelled within the relevant time frame), regardless of whether my child actually attends.
I understand that in order to receive child care subsidy, I must provide the required information and complete all relevant steps before care commences. Settlers Farm OSHC is not responsible for the family tax benefit or childcare subsidy received by the parent.
I agree to pay any miscellaneous fees which have been added to my account in accordance with Settlers Farm OSHC’s fee policy
In the event of overdue fees, I agree that my account may be suspended until full payment is made in accordance with the relevant policies and I am responsible for any cost involved with recovery or any further action required.
I acknowledge that Settlers Farm OSHC is required to disclose information to the Department of Education and other government agencies. I understand that Settlers Farm OSHC adheres to the Privacy Act 1988 and will ensure that information in my child/ren's enrolment record is not divulged to another person unless necessary for the care or education of my child/ren, to manage medical treatment of my child/ren, where expressly authorized by the parent, prescribed in the Childrens' Services Regulations 2009 (regulation 35(1)(d-e), if required by law or in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.
I give permission for Settlers Farm OSHC educators to check my children’s hair for headlice.
I authorise the service; an approved provider or nominated supervisor or educator to seek medical treatment of my child for: Medical treatment from registered medical practitioner, hospital or ambulance service including transportation of my child by ambulance service.
I understand that if my child arrives during Vacation Care or on a Pupil Free Day without an approved sun smart hat, that one will be provided to them and a fee of $10.00 per hat will be added to my account.
I consent to sunscreen being applied to my child where necessary, (unless a health support plan signed by a medical practitioner is provided)
I declare that the information in this enrolment form is true and correct and undertake to immediately inform the service in the event of any changes to this information.
A full copy of Settlers Farm OSHC’s policies and procedures is available at the Service.
Settlers Farm OSHC reserves the right to change the terms & conditions at any time.
By accepting these terms and conditions online you consent to these as an electronic signature.
Please read the T&Cs and check this box if you accept these.
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